Short Stories

Saturday, October 09, 2004

The World of Imagination

<>The anonymous freak is back!!! I wonder what Lynda_rules meant? It must be his imaginary girlfriend. Just like his imaginary friend who he claims to know as Mink. Did I said I know Mink? I never introduced myself to him. So how should he know me? Jeez, the freak must have met this Mink on the Yahoo chat room like he did with Steven Seagal.

<>The freak is hurt because I made fun of his god named Steven Seagal. Too bad the freak has a difficult time figuring out that Steven Seagal can care less about celebrity obsessed losers who follows Steven Seagal’s website and post my experience on it. Talk about obsession, he post my stuff on Steven Seagal’s website. What a sad way to go through life.

<>Yes, Steven Seagal is definitely going to sue me. Making all this story up because the anonymous freak said so, since he claims to know Mink. What a loser!!!

<>I don’t want to talk about Steven Seagal anymore, because this loser is really worth talking about. One day I came to work and logged on to my computer, there this loser go making childish threats about how I hurt his god named Steven Seagal. The 1st day he said he has sources, and in day 2, he claims to be a close personal friend of Mink.

<>In the real world, how can a guy be a close personal friend of Mink when he sits in front of his computer all day long reading Steven Seagal’s website? Sad, but true this guy never met Steven Seagal and hope someday he meet his hero. I can feel the jealousy because I met the jerk in person while this guy still has dream that some day it will come true.

<>So that is where I come in. This freak wanted to be a hero for Steven Seagal so he puts my post on Steven Seagal’s website hoping that some day Steven will pat his butt telling him, “Son, I’m really proud of you for what you have done. Thank you for catching this awful guy who slandered me.”

<>I’m sorry to disappoint the guy, but that is the fantasy world that he is currently living, but in the real world, Steven Seagal could care less what I write about him.

<>See, it’s very unhealthy for a guy who is playing with his computer all day long surfing through Steven Seagal’s website paying money just to know what Steven is up to. Yeah, Steven is enjoying this, he making pocket money for celebrity obsessed freaks like the loser chatting to me and accusing me of making such stories up. This website is a pocket money for Steven Seagal so he can go buy some more prostitutes. I’m pretty sure Steven is appreciating freaks paying money to see what time it was when he took his last dump. Knowing the attitude of Steven Seagal, I’m pretty sure in his mind he laughing and saying to himself, “What a bunch of losers. I can’t believe guys would pay money to see what I’m doing!”

<>From seeing the picture of Lynda_rules, it’s obvious that he never had a real girlfriend before. Doing cybersex or meeting so called women in the chat room is not a real girlfriend. That’s probably where the name Lynda came from, she is the name of his imaginary girlfriend. He probably bought himself an inflatable doll named Lynda for that matter. This is not a healthy way to go through life. Yes, I know it’s hard for guys like this to meet women in America. American women can really be harsh at times and seeing the picture of this freak, yeah I can see why. I understand his situation. I understand why he has to be in front of his computer all day long. From the time I came to work and by the time I left, I see this guy still on his computer. Man, surfing that Steven Seagal website must be the most exciting moment of his life.

<>I usually make fun of my own life, but now I realize my life can’t be as pathetic as this freak who follows me around because I am the closest thing for him to meeting Steven Seagal. Unlike this freak, I never said I knew Steven Seagal, nor did I ever said I knew Mink, because I am from the real world. Talking to posters and chatting through the net claiming that this person is Seagal or Mink does not mean he is a close personal friend of his. That is the land of make believe this freak is living in. I am from the real world while this freak who names himself after his imaginary girlfriend live in the world of make believe. It’s been almost 6 months since the last time I was at the set in Shinjuku and Roppongi. From what I remember, Mink was too busy setting up the movie. He doesn’t have time to talk to others unless he is working for him. I wasn’t working for Mink, just observing. Being a movie director is a real busy job, I wonder how Mink would have time to associate with obsessed losers who claims to know the guy.

<>Now lets go back to the topic of fantasy and reality. In the imaginary world that this freak is living in, Steven Seagal wants to sue a loser like me. In the real world, it’s the freak who names himself after his virtual girlfriend who wants to sue me. I must have really hurt this guy because I made fun of his god. The god who doesn’t even know this freak’s existence.

<>I love your comments by the way. Man, you are defensive. I must have really hurt your feelings for you to write such things. Yes, you are absolutely right that no one is reading this, but I wonder why some pathetic person like yourself is following me around making such childish threats. Claiming how Steven Seagal is going to sue me and post it on a Steven Seagal forum. The funny thing is, it's the freak posting on the Seagal forum and not me. I have no interest in posting anyting on a Steven Seagal forum. Surfing at a Steven Seagal website is the biggest waste of time.

Someday when might meet Steven Seagal, he could be the guy who go shopping for his prostitutes in Thailand. But he better be careful not to get ripped off, there was the rumor about this other guy who got fired, because he got Steven some pretty nasty ones paying more than $300 a day. Or do you claim to know that guy too.

Remember freak fan, in the real world it’s not Steven Seagal who wants to sue me, it’s you!! In your fantasy world, it is Steven Seagal wants to sue me, because you think you are Steven Seagal. That is our lesson for today.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Obsessed Fan!!

MAN! Talk about freaks living in this world. This one obsessed Steven Seagal fan tried to threaten me about the blog I wrote about Steven. Then it claimed it knew the director of the movie. Talk about having no life at all. This person must be celebrity obsessed. I'm sorry if I am the unlucky person who had to meet Steven Seagal in person and perhaps you never have. I'm sorry that I was invited to the set and got to observe everything that was going on and you were not there. I'm sorry this obsessed fan did not get the opportunity to see Steven Seagal sitting around slouching at the set.

When I was invited, I didn't come to go see Steven Seagal, I came to go see my friend at the set. My friend and I had so much interesting stories to share. Actually my friend has more stories to talk about because I wasn’t at the set all the time.

For a freak who was never at the set, you sure have the rights to accuse me of making this up. If I was making this up, then I must have a wonderful imagination. Maybe I should become a film writer, since I am making all this up about Steven.

The funniest threat coming from this obsessed fan, is how it claimed Steven Seagal is going to go get his lawyer and sue me. Why would Steven even bother wasting his time to sue a loser like me? Steven Seagal is going to fly all the way to Japan and sue me. He's going to waste more time and money with his lawyers than he could ever get out of suing me. Do I look like I have billions of $$? Steven Seagal is going to sue me for a post I made on blogspot? If blogspot does not like what I wrote about Steven Seagal, they have to power to delete my post and give me a warning. I received none of that.

Talk about a loser, this fan must be sitting at home all day pretending to know everybody. The fan claim being a close personal friend of the director of the upcoming movie. I guess sometimes it's hard for people to understand that not all celebrities are what they see in TV or in the movies. This fan has serious problems, he/she/it goes through all this trouble making childish threats to delete my blog, because I wrote about something this Seagal fan did not like. As I said it earlier, if you don’t like what I write, then DON’T READ IT!! Same with Steven Seagal, if he doesn’t like what I wrote about him, then he doesn’t have to read it.

This is a free country and people can write whatever they want. I guess this freak has a difficult time understanding about the meaning of democracy.

This is the problem about the world we live in today. People are so celebrity obsessed. Sometimes people forget that celebrities are also people too, and they do dumb things. Just like Steven Seagal. Weirdo's and freaks sometimes have difficult time to accept that people like Steven Seagal also has a life of their own and does not care what someone like myself write about him.

If Steven Seagal is actually reading what I am writing, then I am extremely flattered. If he really wants to sue me, then I am even more flattered. Steven Seagal might be an asshole, but I seriously doubt he is that pathetic. What do I mean by that? Well, I find it hard to believe that Steven would go though all this trouble just to read what I wrote about him or even get his lawyers to sue me. If Steven Seagal wants to go through all this trouble making me famous, that's great!!

Now to all the obsessed fans who didn’t enjoy reading my mail, GET A LIFE!! Sitting in front of a computer all day reading about the daily life of Steven Seagal on his website is sad way to go through life. This one obsessed fan showed me the link and I was surprised how pathetic people can be. Reading the everyday life of Steven Seagal? They get excited when they read about Steven Seagal taking a shit. Seriously, make some friends, go out, start dating. Steven Seagal does not care whether or not you are reading his website, he also does not know that you exist. OK, he does care because he is making $$ off you losers whose stupid enough to pay for it. To him, you are just another obsessed fan. Following celebrities around is not a healthy way to go through life. Reading my blog and getting offended, come on! If you don’t like what I wrote, don’t read it!!

That goes to the psycho obsessed fan trying to make such childish threats. Steven does not care about this blog and neither should you. Claiming how you know everybody at the set is a sad way to go through life, because you begin living in the world of make believe. Once you lose touch of reality, it’s really though to come back to the real world. I'm sorry you are in love with Steven Seagal, but in real life, he does not care about your existence.

Do you see me following Steven Seagal around or go through his pathetic website? NO! I'm just sharing my experience at the set. I don't care about his existence and he doesn't care about mine. He doesn't even know who I am. I was just an observer blending in at the set.

I guess there are real nutcases in this world and having someone PM me through Yahoo! chat and making childish threats about my experience is a sad way to go through life.

The 1st day I chat with the weirdo, claimed it had sources. Today, that nutcase claimed to be best friends with the director of Seagal's upcoming movie. What's next? Being best friends with Steven Seagal?? This person really needs to get laid...

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Unexpected Readers

I never expected many people would be interested with my Steven Seagal stories. I didn’t expect many outsiders would be reading this, especially Steven Seagal fans. One day, someone PM me on Yahoo! Chat regarding Steven Seagal. My intention was for my friends to read and get entertained about this, but it seems like outsiders were also entertained.

<>To all you Steven Seagal fans, if you don’t like what you read, then please don’t read this. This is only based on my own personal experience when I was invited to the movie set of the upcoming movie, “Into the Sun”. I am not a Steven Seagal fan and I never was. It was just my own personal experience worth sharing to my friends. In other words, I don’t know much about this movie (story wise) or who else is in the movie. I am only a fan of my friend who invited me to this movie setting, and I wanted to be there for him whenever he had his opportunity to take part. Unfortunately, Steven had other ideas by replacing him with one of his prostitutes.

<>Anyway, going back to one of the fan who PM me on Yahoo! Chat. We had an interesting conversation and he/she was entertained about what I had to say. That fan also warned me that Steven Seagal could sue me if I am making this story up. I wish I was, especially with the nipple massaging incident.

<>To be honest with you, I am not that obsessed with celebrities. They are people to like you and me. The only celebrity I would like to meet in person would probably be Barry Bonds or Leonardo DiCaprio. Just saying, “Hi, how’s it going?” is just good enough for me.

Seagal was the most unusual experience, because I never met anyone who had no desire to do their job. He was more concerned about his giant orgy parties, and his 6 or more prostitutes. I got to meet some of Seagal’s associates and we were talking about the prostitutes they bought for Steven. At the same time, Steven asked them who later on asked me if I know where to score some pot in Japan. I laughed because getting stoned in Japan is almost impossible. Sniffing thinner in Japan is a serious crime, so you get the idea how serious it is when it comes to drug trafficking. OK, Japan is not as bad as Malaysia where in Malaysia, you get sentence to death for trafficking drugs, but the Japanese police can really make your life extremely miserable if you get caught. I heard rumors that it cost you $500US for a dime of pot.

Anyways, going back to the 6 or more Thai prostitutes Seagal bought, in my opinion he really got ripped off. One of his associates told me they paid more than $300 per day for one lady. You can go ask my friend, but I did not see anyone being that cute. With that kind of money, you can VIP quality girls, the ones Steven Seagal bought, I guess as long as he’s happy, that’ OK. I just let him know how bad he got ripped off. Then he asked me whether or not I want to come to Thailand with them, because they wanted me to be their guide. For his associates, why not? They were cool to me, but I told them if they are willing to pay my airfare to Thailand, then sure. But for Steven Seagal, he is not worth wasting my time after what he did to my friend. I made the other associate look bad because he was the one who bought the women for Seagal, and pretended he knew all these places. If the guy knew, he wouldn’t have gotten ripped off by the mama-san in Bangkok. I guess knowing Tom was a good thing in a bad way. As sleazy as Tom can be, it was Tom who showed me my way around Bangkok. Maybe Tom should hang around Steven Seagal, then Tom can free load off Seagal while showing him his way around Bangkok.

<>About the nipple massage, I really wish I made this story up. He did this in front of everybody. It was the nightclub scene where there was supposed to be a fashion show. After 3-4 hours of preparation from the production crew, Steven coming to work 2 hours late as usual didn’t like the idea of this fashion show. So instead the ladies who were supposed to be the models in the fashion show, Steven complained about their dress and used his thumb as a nipple massage right in front of everybody in the set. Steven can sue me all he want, but why? It wouldn’t be a big story, because people already knew Steven Seagal is an asshole anyway. How can he sue me for something he has already done? Plus he would be wasting a lot of money on his lawyers suing on loser like myself. I was just an observer at the set. I was more entertained watching Steven Seagal doing dumb things than I would ever be entertained by watching any of his movies. Steven Seagal could actually revive his career by making a movie about himself being an asshole at the set. I guarantee you, this movie would be a blockbuster hit. If people are entertained about my Steven Seagal stories, then maybe he should make a movie about himself being an asshole. It would make far more $$ than the action movies he made.

Did I regret going to the set? No way, I felt sorry for my friend. I guess my friend should have shaved his legs and put more makeup on himself and maybe pass as a woman. By seeing the 6 prostitutes he bought from Thai, I’m pretty sure he would have been cute enough to be in his movie. Visiting the making of “Into the Sun” is actually more entertaining than the movie itself. I got to see someone who showed as if he didn’t care about this movie at all. He just sat on his fat ass and was just too lazy to movie. He reminded me of Jabba the Hut. I thought I was fat and lazy, but seeing Seagal, I wouldn’t be surprised if he weighed more than 300 pounds. I can remember that big gut of his, now I see why he wears an overcoat all the time and uses his elevator shoes to cover that big stomach of his. This guy is supposed to be an action star, not a comedian.