Short Stories

Friday, October 08, 2004

Obsessed Fan!!

MAN! Talk about freaks living in this world. This one obsessed Steven Seagal fan tried to threaten me about the blog I wrote about Steven. Then it claimed it knew the director of the movie. Talk about having no life at all. This person must be celebrity obsessed. I'm sorry if I am the unlucky person who had to meet Steven Seagal in person and perhaps you never have. I'm sorry that I was invited to the set and got to observe everything that was going on and you were not there. I'm sorry this obsessed fan did not get the opportunity to see Steven Seagal sitting around slouching at the set.

When I was invited, I didn't come to go see Steven Seagal, I came to go see my friend at the set. My friend and I had so much interesting stories to share. Actually my friend has more stories to talk about because I wasn’t at the set all the time.

For a freak who was never at the set, you sure have the rights to accuse me of making this up. If I was making this up, then I must have a wonderful imagination. Maybe I should become a film writer, since I am making all this up about Steven.

The funniest threat coming from this obsessed fan, is how it claimed Steven Seagal is going to go get his lawyer and sue me. Why would Steven even bother wasting his time to sue a loser like me? Steven Seagal is going to fly all the way to Japan and sue me. He's going to waste more time and money with his lawyers than he could ever get out of suing me. Do I look like I have billions of $$? Steven Seagal is going to sue me for a post I made on blogspot? If blogspot does not like what I wrote about Steven Seagal, they have to power to delete my post and give me a warning. I received none of that.

Talk about a loser, this fan must be sitting at home all day pretending to know everybody. The fan claim being a close personal friend of the director of the upcoming movie. I guess sometimes it's hard for people to understand that not all celebrities are what they see in TV or in the movies. This fan has serious problems, he/she/it goes through all this trouble making childish threats to delete my blog, because I wrote about something this Seagal fan did not like. As I said it earlier, if you don’t like what I write, then DON’T READ IT!! Same with Steven Seagal, if he doesn’t like what I wrote about him, then he doesn’t have to read it.

This is a free country and people can write whatever they want. I guess this freak has a difficult time understanding about the meaning of democracy.

This is the problem about the world we live in today. People are so celebrity obsessed. Sometimes people forget that celebrities are also people too, and they do dumb things. Just like Steven Seagal. Weirdo's and freaks sometimes have difficult time to accept that people like Steven Seagal also has a life of their own and does not care what someone like myself write about him.

If Steven Seagal is actually reading what I am writing, then I am extremely flattered. If he really wants to sue me, then I am even more flattered. Steven Seagal might be an asshole, but I seriously doubt he is that pathetic. What do I mean by that? Well, I find it hard to believe that Steven would go though all this trouble just to read what I wrote about him or even get his lawyers to sue me. If Steven Seagal wants to go through all this trouble making me famous, that's great!!

Now to all the obsessed fans who didn’t enjoy reading my mail, GET A LIFE!! Sitting in front of a computer all day reading about the daily life of Steven Seagal on his website is sad way to go through life. This one obsessed fan showed me the link and I was surprised how pathetic people can be. Reading the everyday life of Steven Seagal? They get excited when they read about Steven Seagal taking a shit. Seriously, make some friends, go out, start dating. Steven Seagal does not care whether or not you are reading his website, he also does not know that you exist. OK, he does care because he is making $$ off you losers whose stupid enough to pay for it. To him, you are just another obsessed fan. Following celebrities around is not a healthy way to go through life. Reading my blog and getting offended, come on! If you don’t like what I wrote, don’t read it!!

That goes to the psycho obsessed fan trying to make such childish threats. Steven does not care about this blog and neither should you. Claiming how you know everybody at the set is a sad way to go through life, because you begin living in the world of make believe. Once you lose touch of reality, it’s really though to come back to the real world. I'm sorry you are in love with Steven Seagal, but in real life, he does not care about your existence.

Do you see me following Steven Seagal around or go through his pathetic website? NO! I'm just sharing my experience at the set. I don't care about his existence and he doesn't care about mine. He doesn't even know who I am. I was just an observer blending in at the set.

I guess there are real nutcases in this world and having someone PM me through Yahoo! chat and making childish threats about my experience is a sad way to go through life.

The 1st day I chat with the weirdo, claimed it had sources. Today, that nutcase claimed to be best friends with the director of Seagal's upcoming movie. What's next? Being best friends with Steven Seagal?? This person really needs to get laid...


  • just read what u put on your blog
    too funny
    we gonna have a laugh now on the Seagal forum
    take the piss out of a loser like you
    making shit up 'cuase he has no life
    I do know Mink
    don't care if u believe me
    he said you ere never on the set
    nethier was your friend
    get a life!!!!!
    stop making up bullshit stories
    u will be sued
    trust me
    You must have such sad life if you have to call people names
    u so full of hate
    too sad
    Get a life!!!
    and please treat people with respect
    btw,doesn't seem to be many people reading your blog
    does there?
    I wonder why?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 9, 2004 at 5:10:00 AM GMT+9  

  • Talk about getting a life young man, who was the one following who around??

    Surfing Seagal's website 24hrs a day is not a healthy way to go through life and claiming you know these people like Mink. Talking to a poster and the real person are 2 different thing. Remember that...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 9, 2004 at 10:36:00 AM GMT+9  

  • I know Mink like you were on the set of Into The Sun!Go figure.Idiot.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 9, 2004 at 11:03:00 AM GMT+9  

    We all had such a laugh laughing at your wack ass bullshit story!!!Need to get laid mate!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 9, 2004 at 11:08:00 AM GMT+9  

  • so now you confess that you don't know Mink??

    Of course you guys are laughing because it's your world. Much like Steven is laughing about you guys being stupid enough to pay money to see his everyday life.

    what's next? are you Steven Seagal fan club going to auction off his dirty underwear. it figures why obsessed retarded fans like yourself has nothing better to do but to surf the Seagal site 24x7.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 9, 2004 at 12:39:00 PM GMT+9  

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