Short Stories

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Unexpected Readers

I never expected many people would be interested with my Steven Seagal stories. I didn’t expect many outsiders would be reading this, especially Steven Seagal fans. One day, someone PM me on Yahoo! Chat regarding Steven Seagal. My intention was for my friends to read and get entertained about this, but it seems like outsiders were also entertained.

<>To all you Steven Seagal fans, if you don’t like what you read, then please don’t read this. This is only based on my own personal experience when I was invited to the movie set of the upcoming movie, “Into the Sun”. I am not a Steven Seagal fan and I never was. It was just my own personal experience worth sharing to my friends. In other words, I don’t know much about this movie (story wise) or who else is in the movie. I am only a fan of my friend who invited me to this movie setting, and I wanted to be there for him whenever he had his opportunity to take part. Unfortunately, Steven had other ideas by replacing him with one of his prostitutes.

<>Anyway, going back to one of the fan who PM me on Yahoo! Chat. We had an interesting conversation and he/she was entertained about what I had to say. That fan also warned me that Steven Seagal could sue me if I am making this story up. I wish I was, especially with the nipple massaging incident.

<>To be honest with you, I am not that obsessed with celebrities. They are people to like you and me. The only celebrity I would like to meet in person would probably be Barry Bonds or Leonardo DiCaprio. Just saying, “Hi, how’s it going?” is just good enough for me.

Seagal was the most unusual experience, because I never met anyone who had no desire to do their job. He was more concerned about his giant orgy parties, and his 6 or more prostitutes. I got to meet some of Seagal’s associates and we were talking about the prostitutes they bought for Steven. At the same time, Steven asked them who later on asked me if I know where to score some pot in Japan. I laughed because getting stoned in Japan is almost impossible. Sniffing thinner in Japan is a serious crime, so you get the idea how serious it is when it comes to drug trafficking. OK, Japan is not as bad as Malaysia where in Malaysia, you get sentence to death for trafficking drugs, but the Japanese police can really make your life extremely miserable if you get caught. I heard rumors that it cost you $500US for a dime of pot.

Anyways, going back to the 6 or more Thai prostitutes Seagal bought, in my opinion he really got ripped off. One of his associates told me they paid more than $300 per day for one lady. You can go ask my friend, but I did not see anyone being that cute. With that kind of money, you can VIP quality girls, the ones Steven Seagal bought, I guess as long as he’s happy, that’ OK. I just let him know how bad he got ripped off. Then he asked me whether or not I want to come to Thailand with them, because they wanted me to be their guide. For his associates, why not? They were cool to me, but I told them if they are willing to pay my airfare to Thailand, then sure. But for Steven Seagal, he is not worth wasting my time after what he did to my friend. I made the other associate look bad because he was the one who bought the women for Seagal, and pretended he knew all these places. If the guy knew, he wouldn’t have gotten ripped off by the mama-san in Bangkok. I guess knowing Tom was a good thing in a bad way. As sleazy as Tom can be, it was Tom who showed me my way around Bangkok. Maybe Tom should hang around Steven Seagal, then Tom can free load off Seagal while showing him his way around Bangkok.

<>About the nipple massage, I really wish I made this story up. He did this in front of everybody. It was the nightclub scene where there was supposed to be a fashion show. After 3-4 hours of preparation from the production crew, Steven coming to work 2 hours late as usual didn’t like the idea of this fashion show. So instead the ladies who were supposed to be the models in the fashion show, Steven complained about their dress and used his thumb as a nipple massage right in front of everybody in the set. Steven can sue me all he want, but why? It wouldn’t be a big story, because people already knew Steven Seagal is an asshole anyway. How can he sue me for something he has already done? Plus he would be wasting a lot of money on his lawyers suing on loser like myself. I was just an observer at the set. I was more entertained watching Steven Seagal doing dumb things than I would ever be entertained by watching any of his movies. Steven Seagal could actually revive his career by making a movie about himself being an asshole at the set. I guarantee you, this movie would be a blockbuster hit. If people are entertained about my Steven Seagal stories, then maybe he should make a movie about himself being an asshole. It would make far more $$ than the action movies he made.

Did I regret going to the set? No way, I felt sorry for my friend. I guess my friend should have shaved his legs and put more makeup on himself and maybe pass as a woman. By seeing the 6 prostitutes he bought from Thai, I’m pretty sure he would have been cute enough to be in his movie. Visiting the making of “Into the Sun” is actually more entertaining than the movie itself. I got to see someone who showed as if he didn’t care about this movie at all. He just sat on his fat ass and was just too lazy to movie. He reminded me of Jabba the Hut. I thought I was fat and lazy, but seeing Seagal, I wouldn’t be surprised if he weighed more than 300 pounds. I can remember that big gut of his, now I see why he wears an overcoat all the time and uses his elevator shoes to cover that big stomach of his. This guy is supposed to be an action star, not a comedian.


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