Short Stories

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Departed

I am currently at work right now, waiting for my Mac to arrive from Berkeley. So I can start editing. I guess I will have to borrow my friend’s.

I wanted to talk about something else. I recently watched the movie, “The Departed” with my friend who is currently recovering from an injury. I saw his stitches and I was about to throw up because it was pretty graphic. I guess that is what can happen to someone who hangs around in Thailand too much. I get jealous about his constant trips to Thailand while I am sitting here saving money for my new Mac.

Now going back to, “The Departed”, I see this type of corruption possible in Asia, Latin America, and other developing countries. “The Departed” came from the Hong Kong movie, “Internal Affairs”. I haven’t seen the Hong Kong version, but I can see this type of corruption possible in Hong Kong and especially in Thailand.

In the U.S. there was this type of corruption until the 1960’s when the Kennedy’s decided to clean up organized crime. It is hard to have rat in the FBI or the police department now a days being on the payroll of organized crime. If you get caught, the punishment is extremely severe. In other words, your life is over. You only see it in movies now-a-days.

I can see this happening in Thailand, since I used to know Tom whose father was the former police chief in Bangkok. By judging Tom’s personality, I can see how he pretty much got everything he wanted.

When I ask other Thai people about the police department, they joke around about the “1-eyed detective”. The way Thai people joked around about the “1-eyed detective”, they told me about how they pretend they look in one eye and pretending nothing happened as long as you pay the bribe. In Thailand, the police departments are more like entrepuneurs rather than police officers.

One day I remember Tom got pulled over for breaking a traffic law, then he showed the police officer his father’s business card and they let him by as if nothing happened.

I was surprised how he knew so many places. So his attitude towards women did not surprise me. His father is that way and his uncle who owns the hotel is that way. Tom does not know his mother, other than the lady who gave birth to Tom.

While Tom was in Japan, he was pretty much getting away with treating women like he did with prostitutes. That was until he made threats to the wrong people. Here’s a problem about Tom, he expects you to bring your female friends to him as if you are his escort service. If you refuse, he will make childish threats. Tom was raised that way. He did graduate from USC so I am pretty sure he should know better who to make that type of threats to and who he can’t make those threats to. Common sense, you don’t make those types of threats to people who are westernized.

In my opinion, I thought I got a fair trade from Tom. Tom used me to get together with one of my colleague at Intel. He treated her like the way he treated prostitutes, and later got himself into a mess where he had to drag others (myself). Tom got together with my colleague at Intel when he already had another girlfriend. The Intel colleague thought they were couples and moved in, but a month later he threw her stuff out of his apartment because she no longer satisfied him. Plus he was unable to see his other girlfriend. OK, so Tom used me as an escort service. So I thought I had rights to use Tom for my needs.

Tom kept telling me about Bangkok and told me if I visited Bangkok he would show me around. I visited 5 years ago, and he showed me around. I guess I can say I took good notes, because my other friends were so surprised when I showed them around Bangkok. Tom took me to places where no tour guides would take you. So I thought it was an even trade.

One day, I met group of university students from Vietnam. I didn’t tell Tom anything about this, but his nosey friend did. Tom expected me to introduce the students to him. I refused, so I later got one of his childish threats saying, “If I set foot on Thai soil, he would hire someone to wipe me out.”

That’s fine with me, so I replied, “I hope you do that, as long as you are patient enough to stay in Thailand, you have nothing to worry about killing someone.”

I can see a place like Thailand to have corrupted police department unable to fight against organized crime. I see something like, “The Departed”, happening in Hong Kong or most Asian countries. I asked many Thai people whether or not they trust the police, and most of them say, “No!”

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Into The Sun

As you know, years ago I wrote about my experience when my friend snuck me into the set of the movie, "Into The Sun". Recently there was an article about Steven Seagal being sued by several movie companies for arriving to the set 30 minutes late and leaving early. I'm pretty sure Seagal fans are going to accuse me of writing those articles as well. I don't know what he did in his other movies and reading about Seagal arriving 30 minutes late. I think they were being extremely humble to the guy, because when I was at the set of, "Into The Sun" he was 2 hours late. Maybe it was the prostitutes who wore him out.. I guess his fans are going to accuse me of writing this article about Steven as well.

I don't care anymore since my friend was lucky not to be in this disaster movie. While I was in Southeast Asia, I decided to buy the pirated DVD of "Into The Sun". Since I wasn't stupid enough to rent it, buying the pirated version was so much cheaper. As soon as I got back from Southeast Asia, I brought this movie over to my friend's place and we tried watching this movie. Sorry to say, but this movie was far worse than I expected. I eventually realized I met actors I never knew. For some reason, actors started a conversation with me, this lady who played Seagal's girlfriend began talking to me. I thought to myself, "Why are you talking to me?" I had to bullshit with her saying, "I was an extra" Just so I wouldn't get kicked out of the set. I also saw the nightclub scene where the Thai prostitute replaced my friend because Steven yanked him out of the picture and had his prostitute replace him. Yes, she was a real prostitute Steven bought from Thailand. Later I found out the guy who bought the prostitute for Steven got fired. Yeah, he didn't do a good job in buying prostitute. In other words, he got ripped off. It's a common thing in Thailand to get ripped off if you are not Asian, but the guy who got fired was a Japanese-American.

Anyway, not to get carried away. I tried watching this movie, but it was so boring after 15 minutes it was hard to watch the rest of the film. My friend's wife really got grossed out, when Steven Seagal was doing the love scene. I am not a girl so it's hard to understand how she felt, but then again if guy over 50 years old weighing over 400 pounds does a love scene, I guess it's like watching Neil Carter or Roseanne Barr doing a love scene. Yeah, Steven is extremely out of shape. He was so fat that he had to wear elevator shoes and an overcoat to cover that giant stomach of his. Steven was big in both ways. I didn't realize how tall he is, but I also didn't realize how fat he's gotten. There were like 2 guys and 2 girls watching this movie at my friend's pad. I couldn't stand watching this movie, I can understand why this movie never came out in the theaters. It's like throwing money away. I waited to see the credits, at least my friend's name was in the credit.

I'm pretty sure all them Seagal fans are going to accuse me of making this all up. One guy had make up a story on how he knew the director Mink and claimed we were never there. The only problem is, this guy has no idea who my friend is so how can he ask and I don't remember introducing myself to anyone. I don't know him and I never talked to him. By the way, he forgot how my friend snuck me in. Talk about celebrity obsession, it's a sad way to go through life.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Most Common Subject in High School

I don't know about other countries, but the most common subject when I was in high school is sex.

In America, high school group is usually divided into categories such as the jocks, nerds, and the stoners. During my days, the jocks always wear their lettermen jacket and usually the most popular group. The nerds are usually coming from the marching bands and usually considered the most unpopular group. Then comes the stoners who usually have their own band and either in the heavy metal crowd or they wear black in some new wave crowd. Well at least that is my experience during the late 80's.

I never really fit in any of those categories. Since I got expelled at 2 public high school before I finally settled down in my senior year at an all boys catholic school, where I was constantly being watched.

Every group has one common topic, which is "Sex"! Most people claimed that they have already had sex. 80-90% are usually lying about that claim, but it's the pressure you have to deal with. I admit, I didn't have sex when I was in high school. I was too busy hanging around the detention center and sometimes I go serve my detention when I didn't have one because I was so used to sitting in the room, like the basket case on the, "Breakfeast Club", when she had nothing better do to.

"American Pie", was one of the good example of high school pressure on sex. Even though the movie was a comedy, it was about a group of guys who has claimed to lost their virginity. But in actual reality, most of it was just talk.

Back when I was in high school, the guys who claimed that they broke their virginity didn't know what they were talking about. Every little advice about sex, were absolutely wrong. The only few guys who were telling the truth were the ones who had to take their girlfriends to the abortion clinic. They were pretty quiet about sex.

When I was in high school, I didn't do the typical high school things like going to a junior prom or the senior ball. In my honest opinion, I thought it was pretty gay to begin with. Taking a girl whom I don't really like, expecting to have sex which would be a longshot. Spending a lot of money for something which really had no meaning, unless I marry the girl. I didn't understand what the big deal was going to the prom. There was this one movie which did interest me, "The Girl Next Door". I thought it would have been cool to take a porn star to the prom, but that is wishful thinking.

Back in high school, I wasn't really interested in girls. I was so lost and confused in what I wanted to do in life. The 1st 2 high schools I attended, it was amazing that I was passing classes. I was ditching classes most of the time, but you did see many garbage cans lit on fire and the trees were decorated with toilet paper.

I eventually got expelled, because this one friend of mine took a polaroid shot of his pecker. I didn't think he was serious when he said he was going to do it. He did it, and the next morning people were staring at a hand holding his pecker. The guys were on the ground laughing while the girls made remarks like, "EWWW! It's a penis!" Eventually the principal called me in (even though I had nothing to do with this incident) and asked me whether or not I knew who did this. I knew, but why do I have to answer this stupid question? This had nothing to do with me. This wasn't my high school, but since I didn't snitch on my friend, I was expelled from school. OK, if I was going to get expelled, at least I wanted it to be worth getting expelled for. That year the principal bought himself a new BMW. Since I was already expelled, I decided to light a cherry smoke bomb in his car. The inside of his car was all red. What does it matter? I'm already expelled.

The last school I went to was an all-boys Catholic school. Brother Lawrence (the principal of the Catholic school) took a chance in on me, but there was a catch. I had to get involved with school activities. So I decided to play sports to keep me out of trouble and when the season was over, I had to stay after school and study under the watchful eye of sister Krane. I was so busy at that school, I had absolutely no time to cause trouble. Having interest in girls was pretty much out of the question, because there weren't any. They had the all-girls Catholic school across the street, but let's just say they looked like they were beaten by an ugly stick. Didn't matter anyway, I didn't really have any interest in women at the time. I'm pretty sure in a movie like, "American Pie" that is what most public suburban high school life would be like, but I caused so much trouble during that time my life wasn't a typical suburban high school life. It was amazing that I got accepted to Cal Berkeley, but that due to the all-boys Catholic high school where I attended.

Friday, December 23, 2005


Have any of you ever watched the TV show "Friends"?

After 10 seasons, most of the actors decided to move on to a movie career, but one actor decided to stay with TV and a new show, "Joey" is now replacing "Friends".

I was actually thinking about sueing the writer of "Friends" because I think they took the Rachel character from someone I knew. OK, all kidding aside. My favorite character is actually Rachel. No, I am NOT a Jennifer Aniston fan, but it was kind of funny that I have met many Rachel type characters in my world. I also met a male version of Rachel, but unfortunately they never matured like the way Rachel has.

When "Friends" 1st started off, Rachel was a spoiled rich girl whose father is a successful doctor. Her only way for survival was to marry someone who is rich. She realized that she wasn't ready to get married so she bailed while disappointing her parents. She met her friend Monica from high school and had to learn how to live in the real world. Rachel was a shop-a-holic and bought many clothes with her father's credit card. Rachel never knew where money came from and relied too much on her parent's credit card. Monica and her friends later made Rachel to cut all of her father's credit card with a scissors which would be very painful for someone like Rachel. After she graduated her independence from her parents, Monica welcomed her, "Welcome to the real world! It sucks!"

Too bad "Friends" is just a TV show, because I have met many Rachel's in the real world. I met several male and female versions of Rachels and none of them never matured unlike Rachel in "Friends".

Elizabeth Chang reminded me of Rachel. I never met her in person, but when she tried to lecture me about life, I began to realize she had absolutely no sense of reality. In her world, she lives in the top of a penthouse of a bank building which her parents owns in downtown San Francisco. She is living off her wealthy parents and she is a princess with no idea what the real world is like. Her only hope of survival is to marry someone whose making good money, because her parents won't live forever. So she needs a successful-wealthy husband to survive. I heard she graduated from Princeton, but I am pretty sure her parents donated a gymnasium to Princeton University in order for her to enroll and graduate.

One day we interacted through e-mail, because she did not like the way I was broadcasting her irresponsible brother Felix through the internet. She lectured me about her responsible and mature brother. I was thinking to myself, are we talking about the same guy? A guy who bought himself an expensive sports car after quitting his job at Goldman Sachs. Most people sell their car after being unemployed, he bought a brand new car. A 30-year old who ran away from home, because he wasn't used hard work with less pay and longer hours working for his parents. A guy who blames the headhunters for being unemployed, after running away to Japan during the tough economic times?

I knew he was from a rich spoiled family, but I couldn't believe this guy couldn't take care of himself after being financially cut off by his parents. Unlike Rachel, Felix didn't know about the price of independence. When you come to the world's most expensive country (Japan) with no job and no money, you better adjust your living standard, because reality is very harsh and very cruel. As Monica would say, "It sucks!!"

I currently have some friends who are currently unemployed. I haven't seen one of them drive their car around and go surfing all day long. For the past 6 months, I see him making no effort in finding himself a job. My other friends coming from the real world, is playing Pak-N-Save and pinch every little penny. Felix, he was playing with prostitutes with other people's money. By the way Princess Elizabeth didn't like the idea of me broadcasting e-mail to others about brother playing with prostitutes with my money and other people's money. I guess that doesn't look good in the Magic Kingdom in which they are living.

One day, I was broke for the month. Obviously my priority is to pay off people who I actually owed money to like Happy at the time. Felix was being a baby about it and treated me as if I owed this free-loading piece of shit money. I'm not his mother and I am definitely not coming from the Magic Kingdom. Talk about borrowing money, this guy borrowed money off a guy named Joey. No he's not Joey Tribiani, this Joey had ties to the Hong Kong mafia. Then I find out that he owed Joey money.

Let's talk about money. Lending money to someone because he/she needs money to pay the rent or buy food. Anything that is necessary for survival. Buying prostitutes or going to hostess bars has absolutely nothing to do with survival. I can see why Joey is not so happy about the money Felix owed. Even though his wife owns restaurant chains in Japan, why does he have to pay for Felix sexual satisfaction? He much rather use that money for his own sexual satisfaction.

One day, I decided enough is enough. He made no effort in finding himself a job and all I hear from him is how it's the headhunters fault. He blamed the headhunters when he not only lied to me, but to himself when he believed Deutsche Bank would give him an offer letter. I found that odd, because people from Deutsche Bank had a huge topic about a guy who got a nasty sunburn and grossed many people out during a job interview. Who go surfing on a day before a job interview? During a job interview, his face was red as an apple and pealing all over the place. Then he blamed the headhunters for his? This is who Princess Elizabeth call a responsible adult?

6 months has past since he ran away from home and he had NO JOB. He could work at 7-Eleven or McDonalds? No, he much rather go surfing and freeload off other people. So I said forget it! I told him to FUCK OFF! Why am I lending a piece of shit any money when this asswipe can not adjust his living standard? Which means selling that stupid car. You can survive without a car in Tokyo. Tokyo has one of the best public transportation in the world. He had $100,000US retirement money from Goldman Sachs. How do you blow off $100,000US in 6 months?

"My parents aren't rich! They have to work very hard!" I never heard anyone making money without working. The harder you work the more money you make. Bill Gates don't make money sitting on his ass. Bill Gates works longer hours than average people. That's why he's the wealthiest man in the world.

But when you meet someone coming from the Magic Kingdom, they don't seem to understand where money comes from. Much like the character Rachel from "Friends". Now it's Rachel's sisters who has problems facing reality much like Elizabeth Chang and her Magic Kingdom. Did you see the part when Rachel's younger sister pierced her newborn baby's ear? Believe it or not. No matter how funny it sounds, such people do exist.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Jason Lewis

Have any of you seen the TV show, "Sex in the City"?

I personally don't watch the show. I actually tried watching it, but the show just bored me. It is more of a "Chick Flick". Anyway, I do not really want to talk about that show.

A friend of mine since elementary school told me that an actor named Jason Lewis is on the TV show "Sex in the City". Being curious as I am, I was wondering if this is the same Jason Lewis who I remember from my Junior High School.

I look at his biography and date of birth, then begin thinking to myself whether or not this is the same Jason Lewis I remember from Jr. High. I looked at his picture on the internet and he does look very similar to the Jason Lewis I remembered from 8th grade.

If he is, I admit I was never friends with the guy. I never considered him as an enemy either. I know that Jason Lewis is a very common name, I'm just hoping this is not the same Jason Lewis I remember from Jr. High. Why?

Just say I did something bad to him. I never picked on him, but not many people liked him. I personally had nothing against the guy because I barely knew him. Back in 8th grade, kids believe anything that they hear. I had a reputation as a trouble-maker. I used to light firecrackers at school locker room. Decorate the school with toilet paper. Lighting the school garbage can on fire. You know, stuff like that. I also got credited for the bad things I did not do.

Rumors in junior high school spreads like disease. Guys claim that they broke their virginity, and stuff like that. The Jason Lewis I remember back in 8th grade was tall, good-looking guy. He was 5-10 back then and that's considered very tall for an 8th grader. He had dark blond hair and blue eyes. He was the new kid in the block and started off very popular with the girls. So many girls like the guy, but he seemed to show no interest. Rumors began to spead that he is gay. Many guys were jealous of Jason. One of my friend began to start a rumor about how he had sex with another guy. I didn't know Jason Lewis, but there was this other guy who I didn't really like. My friend who didn't like Jason Lewis told me how he had sex with the guy who I didn't really like. At the time, I believed the story was true. Remember, I was an 8th grader and they believe anything they hear.

I end up having the same English class with Jason. As a joke, I gave him a nickname. I named him Mr. Buttf--k! He didn't like that name. Then again, who does.

As you know how bad rumors spead, it began to go out of control. One day I told someone else about this ButtF rumor. He made it worse by telling others that I had a picture of Jason and this other guy doing it. Everybody believed that story, up to the point that people were asking me about that picture. The picture which doesn't exist, because that BF incident never exist. It's amazing that people believe everything they hear. Some people tried to threaten me to show that imaginary picture. The truth was, Jason had no interest in girls. Neither did I, but I hid the fact that I had no interest. To be honest with you, I didn't have interest in girls until I graduated from high school. I was too busy getting expelled and causing trouble.

I know this story is 20 years ago, but I wonder if he is the same Jason Lewis I remember from my Jr. High. He looks very similar to the Jason I remember, and if he is, I want to apologize for helping others spread that bad rumor about him. I knew he wasn't and people wanted to believe everything they wanted to hear.

I had many bad rumors spread about me. Some of them were true, but most of them were not. I remember lighting so many garbage cans on fire, especially the plastic ones. Then again, I was a kid. Kids were known to do cruel things.

According to Jason's biography on Yahoo, he was born in Southern California. The question is, did he ever live in Northern California for 1 year before he moved back to Southern Cal?

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Japan's 1st female winter olympics gold medalist.....

I actually went to the Olympic games in Nagano. This was the 1st Winter games where they allow NHL players to play in Ice Hockey. USA and Canada were the favorites, but they were both disappointing. US couldn't even make it to the medal round and I had to be there to watch this embarassment.

Anyway, there was much to celebrate for the local Japanese. There was this 1 Japanese female freestyle skiier to ever win a gold medal for Japan. The 1st gold medal for any Japanese female athlete in the Winter Games. So when you become the 1st medalist whether you are a male or a female, you are looked upon as a national hero or heroin.

Well, just recently get herself into a nightclub brawl in Roppongi. She must have been extremely plastered because attacked a security guard at the bar. Why? The security guard was doing his job, he stopped her from having sex with a guy on a couch at a bar. I've been to many bars and clubs in Roppongi and I've seen some very weird shit. I wasn't surprised that she was so wasted that she was just about to have sex in a bar. When the security guard stopped her, she began throwing glasses, kicking tables and throwing chairs at the security guard.

Why am I not so surprised? What I realized whenever I went to a bar in Roppongi, I see many Japanese women get so drunk up to the point that they lose their common sense and behave completely out of control.

I experienced many incident, the most recent incident was a month ago. I just got off at work around 3am and I was on my way to a sports bar in Roppongi. My friend and fellow alumus was able to arrange USC and Notre Dame alums to watch the football game. Since it wasnt going to be televised in Japan so he got a slingbox and we were able to watch it through the internet. Anyway, on my way to the bar, this drunk lady grabbed me and tried to make out with me. I pushed her off, because I much rather watch the USC-Notre Dame football game than to have some drunk lady throw up all over me. Just thinking about it made me want to throw up, because she really smell bad. So what happened to Tae Satoya didn't surprise me.

The most embarassing moment happened 4 years ago. A friend of mine wanted to go clubbing and she eventually got really plastered. Like most females, not all of them have a perfect figure, she was complaining to me about her lack of breast size. I told her it was perfectly fine. Then a minor argument occured, and she tried to prove her point. As you know she was extremely drunk, she took her shirt off in front of me and other people who was at the bar. Yes, this was extremely embarassing to the point that I was with her when this incident happened. She got so drunk and eventually passed out. I had to carry her home. I was really worried that she was going to throw up on me. The last thing you want is to have someone throw up on you. Since this is Japan, I didn't have a car so I had to carry her to a taxi and took her hom. Yes, I had someone throw up on me before so it's something I don't want happening to me again.

Attempting to have sex in a bar... I can't imagine how drunk Tae Satoya could have been during that incident. It's if you are a nobody, but an Olympic Gold Medalist? I can't imagine how hard it would be to show her face in public. The incident which happened to my friend is one thing, because nobody knows who she is. Having that incident happening to a public figure, I find that extremely humiliating. I would jump off a cliff if I were her.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Film Festival

Last week, there was an international film festival held in Roppongi. Since I don't work on Sundays-Tuesdays, I tried to take as much advantage in having the opportunities in watching international movies.

The 1st movie I watched was, "Hitler Cantata". I thought this German movie would be as good as, "Downfall", but I was wrong. I feel asleep most of the time and the movie was just boring.

There was this other movie I watched, which was a Korean movie. "Rules of Dating", don't let the title surprise you, because it really had nothing to do with dating. It is a love story, with a real unique plot. It was a real interesting movie which had much to do with sexual harassment rather than dating. The movie was about a high school teacher who was hitting on his assistant. The teacher already had a fiance and the assistant as well. The teacher was really aggressive towards his assistant. At times he did sexually harassed her and technically raped her. The assistant already had a bad background because in her past she slept with her former professor who was already married and she stalked him when he decided to break it off. She eventually fell in love with her high school teacher and she was afraid of suffering the same fate so when she began being in a topic of high school gossip between her and the high school teacher, he decided to cover up by saying that he was only consulting his assistant. When the police asked if this was true, she later reported to the police how the high school teacher raped her and molested her. As you know, he was no longer allowed to teach at any high school. His career was in ruins. The odd twist to this story is they did eventually reunite and got together, even though she got him fired. He wanted to kill her for what she has done to him and his career, but eventually forgiven her after he slept with her. They wound up being together, because after she reported to the police, his fiance also dumped him. She dumped her fiance and they wind up together.

Yeah the story was a bit stranger, if that had happened to me I would have killed her too. Then again, I am glad that I am not a high school teacher or a college professor.

In my honest opinion, I always believe that dating someone from work is a real bad idea. If it works out, then that's great, but most of the time, it becomes a big disaster.

I mentioned to you about my friend Gregg, he is a good friend, but he was known to be extremely careless regarding who he was dating. When I 1st met the guy, he was dated his Japanese language teacher back at his university. She was 29 at the time and Gregg was barely 21. Like most 29 year old Japanese ladies, she wanted to get married. Gregg in the other hand, was not thinking about marriage, because after all, he's only 21 and was in no mood to settle down. As you know, this relationship was a disaster. After he broke up with his Japanese language teacher, he became a part-time English teacher while exchanging at a Japanese university. He got together with his student. It would have been all right if she wasn't married. Gregg thought she was a sex friend. I mentioned to him that there is no way she was looking at him as a sex friend. I asked Gregg if he plans to marry her. He said, "No!" I hated to spoil this for him, but I had to tell him that she is looking at you as a replacement. I reminded him that she is going to want him to replace her husband. Gregg thought he was ok, but when she actually made the official divorce with her husband, Gregg did not know what to do. So I congradulated him in destroying someone's marriage. I still have a friend in Japan who is Gregg's student. She is a wife of a film writer, and we did meet through Gregg. Even though this happened almost 10 years ago, we still talk about Gregg and his flirting with disaster, because she was also friends with the married woman who messed around with Gregg. We still laugh about this. We were talking about making Gregg's disasterous story into a movie or TV show. Unfortunately her husband only interested in writing action movies like Godzilla or Lupin the 3rd.

We both knew that this was not 100% Gregg's fault. This was just as much as Hiromi's (the married woman who Gregg messed with) fault as it was for Gregg.

As I mentioned earlier, it's not a good idea to mess around with someone from work. I did learn a valuable lesson from Gregg. That is why it's easy for me not to give in when a married woman molested me at my former company. I always think about Gregg. I don't care how good looking she is, it's alway a good idea to walk away. The last thing you want is having a married woman stalking you. That's why I tell people nothing is free in this world.

In Japan, I believe the easiest way to met a soul mate is to teach English. Just make sure your student is not married.