Short Stories

Friday, February 11, 2005


Check this link out. It has nothing to do with the upcoming topic, but I thought you might be entertained by this product. A friend of mine sent it to me.

I don't know if I ever shared you a story about a girl who was 26, going out with an 18 year old guy?? The relationship lasted for 2 years, and eventually he decided to go out with another girl, because he was sexually frustrated (no sex) with his current girlfriend. I met this girl 2 years ago and she eventually called me almost everyday crying over past relationship. Since she invited me to her relationship issue, I asked her many questions regarding his age and etc.. Then I found out about his age, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I tried not to laugh, but I mentioned her about her ex-boyfriend was only acting his age. What do you expect from a guy who is at his sexual peak? She mentioned me about her religion and her culture, and not believing in pre-martial sex. I told her culture or belief is not the issue. She went out with a guy who she is 8 years older than she was and expect him to act like he's in his mid-30s early 40s?? A guy who has no religious values? Anyway, I mentioned to her that this is a valuable learning experience. Next time when she decides who she wants to date, then make sure of checking that individual's background before she makes that same mistake.

Anyway, another topic. 4 years ago, this other girl I met married to this guy who she was 6 years older than him. She was about to be in her 30s and got pretty desperate when she decided to marry him. I was invited to her wedding, but when I 1st met the guy, I was shocked to see how young he was. This guy really had no ambition in life, well duh!! He's still a kid.. Unfortunately, he did not make as much money as Ian and wasn't ambitious enough to. Now she already have 2 kids, and is crying because she is always near broke. She wanted to go back to the lifestyle she had when she was single, but it's now too little too late. What is she going to do? Abandon her kids and responsibility? Well, that shows that the only thing she had in common with her husband was lust. How long does lust last? Well, it's like watching that teenage sex education video.

I have 2 friends who is about to get married, but the difference I see between this friend's upcoming marriage compared to my other friends, is that she knew who she wanted to be with, but that is to be continued.....