Short Stories

Saturday, October 09, 2004

The World of Imagination

<>The anonymous freak is back!!! I wonder what Lynda_rules meant? It must be his imaginary girlfriend. Just like his imaginary friend who he claims to know as Mink. Did I said I know Mink? I never introduced myself to him. So how should he know me? Jeez, the freak must have met this Mink on the Yahoo chat room like he did with Steven Seagal.

<>The freak is hurt because I made fun of his god named Steven Seagal. Too bad the freak has a difficult time figuring out that Steven Seagal can care less about celebrity obsessed losers who follows Steven Seagal’s website and post my experience on it. Talk about obsession, he post my stuff on Steven Seagal’s website. What a sad way to go through life.

<>Yes, Steven Seagal is definitely going to sue me. Making all this story up because the anonymous freak said so, since he claims to know Mink. What a loser!!!

<>I don’t want to talk about Steven Seagal anymore, because this loser is really worth talking about. One day I came to work and logged on to my computer, there this loser go making childish threats about how I hurt his god named Steven Seagal. The 1st day he said he has sources, and in day 2, he claims to be a close personal friend of Mink.

<>In the real world, how can a guy be a close personal friend of Mink when he sits in front of his computer all day long reading Steven Seagal’s website? Sad, but true this guy never met Steven Seagal and hope someday he meet his hero. I can feel the jealousy because I met the jerk in person while this guy still has dream that some day it will come true.

<>So that is where I come in. This freak wanted to be a hero for Steven Seagal so he puts my post on Steven Seagal’s website hoping that some day Steven will pat his butt telling him, “Son, I’m really proud of you for what you have done. Thank you for catching this awful guy who slandered me.”

<>I’m sorry to disappoint the guy, but that is the fantasy world that he is currently living, but in the real world, Steven Seagal could care less what I write about him.

<>See, it’s very unhealthy for a guy who is playing with his computer all day long surfing through Steven Seagal’s website paying money just to know what Steven is up to. Yeah, Steven is enjoying this, he making pocket money for celebrity obsessed freaks like the loser chatting to me and accusing me of making such stories up. This website is a pocket money for Steven Seagal so he can go buy some more prostitutes. I’m pretty sure Steven is appreciating freaks paying money to see what time it was when he took his last dump. Knowing the attitude of Steven Seagal, I’m pretty sure in his mind he laughing and saying to himself, “What a bunch of losers. I can’t believe guys would pay money to see what I’m doing!”

<>From seeing the picture of Lynda_rules, it’s obvious that he never had a real girlfriend before. Doing cybersex or meeting so called women in the chat room is not a real girlfriend. That’s probably where the name Lynda came from, she is the name of his imaginary girlfriend. He probably bought himself an inflatable doll named Lynda for that matter. This is not a healthy way to go through life. Yes, I know it’s hard for guys like this to meet women in America. American women can really be harsh at times and seeing the picture of this freak, yeah I can see why. I understand his situation. I understand why he has to be in front of his computer all day long. From the time I came to work and by the time I left, I see this guy still on his computer. Man, surfing that Steven Seagal website must be the most exciting moment of his life.

<>I usually make fun of my own life, but now I realize my life can’t be as pathetic as this freak who follows me around because I am the closest thing for him to meeting Steven Seagal. Unlike this freak, I never said I knew Steven Seagal, nor did I ever said I knew Mink, because I am from the real world. Talking to posters and chatting through the net claiming that this person is Seagal or Mink does not mean he is a close personal friend of his. That is the land of make believe this freak is living in. I am from the real world while this freak who names himself after his imaginary girlfriend live in the world of make believe. It’s been almost 6 months since the last time I was at the set in Shinjuku and Roppongi. From what I remember, Mink was too busy setting up the movie. He doesn’t have time to talk to others unless he is working for him. I wasn’t working for Mink, just observing. Being a movie director is a real busy job, I wonder how Mink would have time to associate with obsessed losers who claims to know the guy.

<>Now lets go back to the topic of fantasy and reality. In the imaginary world that this freak is living in, Steven Seagal wants to sue a loser like me. In the real world, it’s the freak who names himself after his virtual girlfriend who wants to sue me. I must have really hurt this guy because I made fun of his god. The god who doesn’t even know this freak’s existence.

<>I love your comments by the way. Man, you are defensive. I must have really hurt your feelings for you to write such things. Yes, you are absolutely right that no one is reading this, but I wonder why some pathetic person like yourself is following me around making such childish threats. Claiming how Steven Seagal is going to sue me and post it on a Steven Seagal forum. The funny thing is, it's the freak posting on the Seagal forum and not me. I have no interest in posting anyting on a Steven Seagal forum. Surfing at a Steven Seagal website is the biggest waste of time.

Someday when might meet Steven Seagal, he could be the guy who go shopping for his prostitutes in Thailand. But he better be careful not to get ripped off, there was the rumor about this other guy who got fired, because he got Steven some pretty nasty ones paying more than $300 a day. Or do you claim to know that guy too.

Remember freak fan, in the real world it’s not Steven Seagal who wants to sue me, it’s you!! In your fantasy world, it is Steven Seagal wants to sue me, because you think you are Steven Seagal. That is our lesson for today.


  • Still no comments yet?What a surprise LOL.No one is interested what you have to say,and your made up bullshit.Give it up ,already!!Just for the record,I have had lots of girl friends:D.Just funny that a fat(u said it!),ugly(is this why you don't show your picture?Thought so!)guy like you has never had one.Now stop wasting everyone's time with you wack bullshit.Loser!!!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 10, 2004 at 8:41:00 AM GMT+9  

  • I enjoy reading your post about Steven Seagal, but your story about this fan was really hilarious. This guy must have mental problems.

    Whether this story is true or not, who cares? I don't know what this fan is trying to prove? Or why do you have to delete your post? This guy is really childish.

    I guess he have so much time in his hands to follow you around. I agree with what you have to say, if he does like what you write, why does he have to read it?

    The way he mentions this "Loser". I wonder why he is so angry about what you write? It is really none of his business.

    I like to read more about this fan. It's funny what you write about this guy, because who knows, it could be true.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 14, 2004 at 3:42:00 PM GMT+9  

  • Thank you for showing me this link.

    This guy is weird!! I can imagine a 5 year old making this type of comment, but a guy in his 20s-30s.

    If he has so many GF then why is he following you around? I'm pretty sure if he had a GF she would be much more fun to be with than to read your stories.

    Why does he care whether your story is true or not? I don't know Steven Seagal and I don't care about him, but why does he care?

    It's sad to see people waste so much time making childish comments about what you write. Like Kat would say, nobody is demanding him to ready this story.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 14, 2004 at 4:05:00 PM GMT+9  

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