Short Stories

Sunday, August 21, 2005


When was the last time when most of you gone clubbing in Tokyo? If you guys are asking me, the last time I went clubbing was 5 years ago. The time when I used to drink heavily, but when a doctor tells you not to drink anymore, it's not fun to go out. At the same time, I learn to save a lot of money.

When I was 10 years younger, I used to go out to Roppongi almost every Friday and Saturday. Partied until 5am in the morning. Got pretty hungover, but it was pretty fun. Back in California, all clubs and bars close around 2am. Going out to Roppongi, guys had to pay a pretty hefty cover charge around $20-$40 US or Y2500-Y4000 JP. I guess after 5 years, it is really easy to get bored of the clubbing scene. My reason were different compared to most guys who goes clubbing in Roppongi. Most guys try to pick up girls at the dance floor, I just go out there to grab girls. I usually get heavily plastered then sneak into the middle of the pack. When the fog come up, then I grab. Many of my friends around me laugh, because I was getting away with this. If I did this in America, I'd get killed.

Ever since I stopped drinking, I began to realize how much $$ I save. I save quite a lot.

A friend shared me her story about some of the most pathetic pickup lines. 1st time she went clubbing, she told me how a group of middle-eastern guys (Iranians) walked up to them and claimed that they are Italians. Then a group of Africans, claimed that they were African-Americans, but they couldn't speak English all that well. Wow, I guess these guys were desperate. I guess any guy would be desperate if they spend about Y2500-Y4000 cover charge.

Last Friday, a friend of mine wanted to go clubbing because she was so stressed out from work. I didn't want to go, because I have to pay for the cover charge. Plus I can't drink. The important reason is that I am getting too old for this clubbing scene. I've done it before, and I realized that I will spend so much money for almost nothing. If I wanted to spend that kind of money, it would be more economical to fly to SE Asia with better results.

My most memorable moment clubbing was 10 years ago when I exchanged at a Japanese University. My roommate, who was a good-looking, and shy white guy had all these Japanese women approaching him. One day, I saw this complete stranger, started to make out with my roommate. I asked him if he knew that girl, he said, "No!" So I was thinking to myself, "Wow, that is weird!" I never seen anything like that in my whole entire life. I'll never see that in America. It was weird seeing strange girls hitting on my roommate. Something you just don't see in America.


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