Short Stories

Thursday, November 04, 2004

The Election

Sorry I haven’t written to you guys lately, I was kind of busy with work.

I got a bit sick of talking about that stupid fan following me around. Plus there are better things to talk about like the most recent election.

I guess this time; the Electoral College did not malfunction like it did back in 2000. If you all remember back in 2000, Al Gore actually got more popular votes by over 500,000, but it was George W. Bush who ended up being the President. It all went down to Florida to determine who was going to be the President. Having a younger bro as Florida governor does help. Since our country use this electoral system, which is winner takes all. Sometimes, having more popular votes does not guarantee you being a president. Ask Al Gore!! Actually, the last time something that happened was back in 1876, Sam Tilden actually had 200,000 more votes than Rutherford Hayes, but Hayes won by 1 electoral vote, so Hayes became the President. It actually happened 3 times before the 2000 election.

Wouldn’t it be funny if John Kerry won Ohio?? I can imagine the Bush campaign protesting even though Bush won the popular vote. It would have been déjà vu 2000. Before this upcoming election, I doubted George W. Bush will be re-elected. The economy is in the shits, this war in Iraq isn’t getting any better. I thought that documentary, “Fahrenheit 911” would cripple his re-election. It did wind up being another close election, but this time Bush also won the popular votes. I wonder how Michael Moore feels now that his documentary didn’t prevent Bush from getting re-elected? Oh well, for all you Bush-bashers, you can look at the positive side. It’s only 4 more years, since he can’t run in 2008.

Maybe a lot of dead people decided to get out of their graves and vote for Bush. This did happen before. I remember back in 94 or 96 when San Francisco had a proposition proposal to set up a shopping center in Candlestick (3Com) Park which would really benefit Edward DeBartolo (former 49ers owner). The proposition was approved, but at the same time there were some investigation on the election. It seemed like many dead people registered to vote. One was over 120 years old. Even though the proposition was approved, the ground never broke and DeBartolo was under investigation and he desperately transferred his ownership of the 49ers to his sister Denise. From that day on, the 49ers went downhill from winning 5 Super Bowls to a losing franchise.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Bush campaign got the idea from the stadium proposition back in SF and decided to register dead people to vote. I would have done the same thing if I were Bush. Maybe Kerry has done the same thing. If that was true, I would have died laughing. I found it hilarious when the shopping mall proposition was approved back then when they found out that dead people registered to vote.

OK, to be honest with you, I don’t know whether dead people registered this time. I’m just joking about this election. I was caught in surprise, because I never expected Bush to get re-elected. I guess Bush got re-elected because Kerry was unable to find Bush having a mistress. People in the Midwest and Southern states are conservative and focus on moral values. Back in 2000, Bush smeared Gore for being a VP for a guy who was screwing around. Although it wasn’t Al Gore who slept with Monica, he was the one who paid the price because he was the VP. By the time when Bill Clinton tried to address his speech to the American people saying, “Don’t let my mistake, hurt the chances of Al Gore’s campaign.” It was too little too late. Smearing Gore for what Clinton did, perhaps cost him the votes in the Midwest and Southern states. Bush being from Texas helped him out by getting the Confederate votes.

All said and done, not even Michael Moore or Osama Bin Laden could convince the people not to re-elect Bush. If you hate Bush, think of the bright side, “It’s only 4 more years!” I doubt it can’t get any worse than it already has. Do you actually think John Kerry would have done any better? I doubt it. They were both men of war. From the speech that Osama Bin Laden gave to the American public, it sounds like Osama was hoping for Nader to be elected, but that’s even a bigger longshot.


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