Short Stories

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Final Star Wars

As most of you know, the final Star Wars will be released all over the world except for Japan. Episode 3 will not be released until July 6th. I'll be finally be taking my 1st vacation next month and prehaps watch it in Thailand.

Since I haven't seen the movie, I can't say anything. According to some of the people who watched the movie, they say it's the best prequel, but not nearly as good as Episode 4-6.

Episode 4-6 had real good acting playing their characters. After watching Episode 1 and 2, I began to realize how good Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher were playing their characters in Episode 4-6. Episode 5 (Empire Strikes Back) was by far my favorite, because that movie focused on character development. I enjoyed Han and Leia making their smart-ass remarks such as:
1) "No time to discuss with a committee", when he argued with Leia about leaving the asteroid.
2) Leia's remark, "We understand Chewy! YOU HAD NO CHOICE!" while Chewy choked Lando after Han was put in carbonite.

In the prequel, so far the best quote was in Episode 2, when Obi-wan told Anakin, "I have the feeling that you will be the end of me!" Which eventually came true in Episode 4, when Vader destroyed Obi-Wan. Other than that, Episode 2 was the 1st Star Wars movie which I slept through. I felt like I was watching a video game rather than a movie.

My mother enjoyed Episode 4-6, and when I took her to see Episode 1, she was so bored that she fell asleep throughout the whole movie. Episode 1 is another movie to talk about. Other than the pod race and the lightsaber duel with Darth Maul, this movie was really disappointing. They killed off the wrong character (Darth Maul). Most people agreed that they should have killed off Jar Jar Binks and make it look like an accident. That Jar Jar character was so annoying, I felt like killing him myself.

I guess I'll soon find out about Episode 3. Not expecting too much though, because I doubt it will be as good as Episode 4-6, but hoping that it's at least better than Episode 1&2.


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